I know… I know… It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, even something boring and useless. Between work, personal obligations, and COVID, I just haven’t spent much time trying to come up with anything, including posting some of the pieces I’ve made recently for sale.
To all my followers (Hi mom!) just know that I’ve got some good stuff coming down the pipeline. For starters, I’ve used my new Laguna lathe long enough now that I feel confident I can do it justice with a review. I’ve also picked up and refinished/restored some vintage tools that I would like to share. I know they’re not technically wood turning, but they are wood working related. Then there’s more bowls and items to put up for sale, or just share with you all.
What’s more it that I will be starting to post more videos to my YouTube channel once more. I’ve got one bowl creation filmed that needs editing, and will be starting to film more again. I don’t know if I’ll get to weekly videos, but it’s certainly something to aim for.
If there’s anything in particular you’d like to know, or would like me to write about, please let me know!