Heavily Spalted Hackberry Bowl


  • Diameter: 5 3/4 inches
  • Height: 2 inches
  • Finish: Food safe – Tung Oil

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SKU: HACK-005 Categories: , Tags: , , ,

This bowl was a bit of an experiment in that I finished it with tung oil. By finished, I mean really saturated! That tung oil saturation is what gives it the darker tone than some of my other hackberry bowls. It was also from a piece of wood which was close to the unsealed end, which is why there are some interesting black speckles on one side. Personally, I like the effect.

There are also a few bore holes from insect activity, including one hold which goes fully through the side. Have no fear, there’s no more wee beasties in it! The end crack has also been stabilized with some shavings and CA glue.

The bottom is a little on the rough side. I had attempted to chisel off the tenon, and the wood had other plans for me and a large piece popped out instead! While the bottom has been sanded smooth, the gouge has been left in the middle.

Weight 6 oz
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 2 in



Tung Oil

Wood Type


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